Offer - Outsorcing of employees

Years of experience in working on large and small construction sites
have allowed us to develop optimal logistics solutions in the field of
providing specialists in various construction specializations
and performing works at the highest possible level.


Each of our teams brings together experienced professionals with technical and construction or engineering and construction background. During the performance of works, we place great emphasis on precision and compliance with all health and safety standards. Our teams are characterized by high motivation to work, regardless of time and shift mode.


Electric engineering works are an additional specialization of NEŁSA.

An example of implementation in this area is our cooperation with Elektromontaż Poznań SA, where we dealt with electrical works and assembly of BAKS cable routes with a connection of electrical installations at a given facility. For orders involving electric engineering works, we can successfully execute contracts requiring up to 50 committed employees at the same time.

We have worked on reinforced concrete structures on the largest construction sites in Poland.

A demanding contract executed by NEŁSA was work for the consortium of AGP Metro Polska in the construction of the 2nd Metro Line in Warsaw (at stations A-13, C-11, C-13, C-14, W-13). For this task, we have delegated from 130 to 180 employees of the company, who performed reinforcement, shuttering, concrete and finishing works. Working to the end of the construction, with a tight schedule, maintaining very high health and safety standards, we were able to efficiently fulfill the commissioned work.

One of the main partners of our company is Mostostal Zabrze GPBP S.A., with whom we cooperated at the following facilities: “Głogovia” Shopping Centre in Głogów, the Information Technology Center of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice and the revitalization of the Municipal Market in Zabrze. We have completed comprehensive works such as putting reinforced concrete walls and lift shafts; beams and binders; the ceiling and tie beams; concreting and masonry of walls made of silicate blocks and assembly of reinforcement. The aforementioned scope of works proves the possibility of completing comprehensive orders by us.

Sharing employees for a client is one of the possible forms of cooperation. In this form, we work in the construction industry as well as in other industries (in particular, the industrial sector).

In addition to professionals in the construction industry, we are able to provide many unskilled workers – depending on the needs of the client. Thus, thanks to outsourcing, our company takes over all staffing issues and problems, which is a great convenience for many companies. We have extensive experience in this field, as we have been fulfilling orders in this form for over 10 years.

The NEŁSA bricklaying teams support both carpentry and reinforcement teams for comprehensive work as well as perform independent works.

One of the individual activities of our bricklaying teams is the contract concluded in 2015 with Mirbud S.A. for bricking the stands in the “Podium” Sports and Entertainment Arena in Gliwice. The group of employees delegated to perform the order consisted of 30 people, i.e. three 10-person bricklaying teams.

The task of our employees was comprehensive execution of masonry works – including bricklaying of walls made of silicate blocks (M12, M18, M24), which required the bricklayers to maintain outstanding precision, and at the same time high professionalism at work under a lot of time pressure.

Knowing how hard it is to find qualified welders on the market, NEŁSA takes care of providing high-class specialists.

We have always been trying to maintain a high level of welding teams, which can be proved by our long-term cooperation with such companies as ELEKTROBUDOWA SA, ZARMEN Sp. z o.o. UNISERV – PIECBUD SA.

Welders and fitters, who we make available, mainly carry out long-term orders related to the preparation of components for the energy industry. Many years of experience in working with welders and fitters gives us the possibility of signing welding contracts also with high quantitative requirements.


Our previous work and successes have allowed us to achieve a very stable position on the market. We have many regular and trusted partners with whom we are currently carrying out construction projects together.

„Employees have appropriate qualifications, are disciplined and are committed to their tasks. The company cooperates in a flexible way adapting to the client’s needs, ensure punctuality and high quality.” 

Piotr Dobrzyński
Director of General Construction Warsaw- Housing, 
Skanska S.A.

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Nełsa Sp. z o.o. will be happy to cooperate in the field of carrying out construction work and providing qualified professionals.

We place emphasis on the selection of teams characterized by high motivation to work, professionalism and experience. We care about maintaining discipline and high work culture.

We guarantee flexible terms of cooperation and readiness to take on new challenges.